Saturday 25 October 2014


                      School Camp for YEAR 9 =2014=

     Its Oct the 1st !! and I am get prepared for my camp located in Gopeng, Perak. The place where i will be sleeping is a dorm and we will have all our activities at a place call " EarthCamp" for 3 days 2 night

   I was sent to school by my parents early in the morning and I was dropped off in the canteen at my school to met up in my year group meeting point to take the attendance. Once we are all set we were sent off to our bus and I decided to sit with my best friend Jeremy in the front seat. During the journeys it was already awesome cause we has jokes and food like snacks :P Of course I did bring snacks as well. When we reached Earth camp we were firstly introduced to our dorm which have double decker beds inside,then we met at the dinning hall for the briefing of the place and the activities but they said due to the timing so we have to go to our activities straight away. We were divided into 2 named as Group A and B today Group B will be doing white water rafting while Group A do the mountains schools and I was Group A so I was really excited by the " Mountain School ".

   We go to Mountain School by trucks, on the trucks we were talking and messing around cause the round was bumpy the best part was when we go through the tunnel we all shouted so loud that made all the teachers into deaf. Once we reached there we were introduced and stuck with the briefing again but after that we had mini games like "Lord of the ring" Where each people stands on the rope on each side and have to go the middle knows as the ring :P it was fun but it doesnt really last long as we fails again and again and then we were told to use ABCDE which is AskQuestionsBrainStormCompareDoEvuluate and after we used that in our group it surprisingly worked and we got through the " Lord of the ring" then we have a ball throwing game theres 3 ball in total one with nothing one with one strip one without strip and our job is do pass the ball around and lastly back to the teacher without dropping it or messing the order up but the balls was each given a value like ODD or normals numbers so we actually messed up quite badly until we decided to cheat our way through by arranging our standing positions :P Then we had lunch, the lunch was awesome it was just PERFECTO ! it has vegetable and meats alot more :D Then we had some serious training with the equipments and tools for a few hour then we were divided into 2 again from the big groups so now the actually have a amount of us running in the mountain school. theres  5 places we can choose knowns as ROCK 1 & 2, The Swing and  Jump Of Faith. So my group did the the swing first and all of us did the max height then we go for the JUMP !!! all of us did hit the ball except for one of our friend haha we wanted to go for rock 2 first then rock 1 cause rock 2 have a ZIPLINE but it started raining so we sat back for a hour then when its time for us to go back we went back with the truck with the full equipment cause it raining.Once we reached EarthCamp we were dismissed till 7pm and its was 5 pm that time so when I go  back to my Dorm CHINATOWN !!! Wait why is it china town ?? Cause every bed you go you will see a deck of cards and ALOT OF FOODS :D JUNKS FOOD :P So I had shower I went back to CHINATOWN and ate a whole lot of junkfood but at the same time playing CARDS then we had dinner at 7 pm like literally the same food from lunch but I dont know if its reserved from noon to be honest but its better then noting :P Then we did some sharing bout our day and OHH !! I forgot to introduce our group teacher !! her name is MAG :D we call her MAGGIE and our group name is called MAGPIE ! Magpie is one of the biggest river for white water rafting and WHITE WATER RAFTING IS WHAT WE ARE DOING TOMORROW BUT NOT IN MAGPIE ! and so at night we BOYS messed around abit and we all got scolded then we went to sleep with FEAR cause the TEACHER was outside :P and I was slapped by a girl call Yirou for saying something stupwd about her bwahaha.

   The next dayyyy, I was almost LATE but luckily I have jeremy at the bottom to wake me up cause i didnt sleep WELL guess WHY MOSQUITOES RAWRR  and I was sleeping at the top:P We did the CHACHA DANCE as a warm up so we wont be sleepy during the activities haha then we were dismissed to have breakfast and it was SOO AWESOME that was SAME FOOD but we do have some diffrent foods like MILO and APPLE :P then we were set off to our activities sites and ITS WHITE WATER RAFTING YEYY !!! we were kick off with the training the were alots of training like RIVER CROSSING. AGGRESSIVE SWIMMING. ROPE THROWING. CAPSIZING( Boat FLIPPING). and it actually started training during the second training soooo...BUT STILL SCREW ITTT !!!! #YOLO its rafting who hates it :P yes someone do hate it her name is amanda we call her princess cause we need to keep a special eye on her cause SHE CANT SWIM :P during the trainings we did stupid things as well eh I mean as USUAL bwhahhaha Then we had lunch SIGHH SAMEEEEEE THINGGGG only A THING is diffrent MEH " Rain continues not showing or hinting its going to stop but getting bigger"

After the lunch we had our last training then we all sat on to the truck to our starting POINT WUUU WE ARE FINALLY GOING TO RAFT AFTER ALL THESE TRAINING but I was already whizzing and shivering cause of the rain. Once we reached there the rain got smaller and we got into a RAFT  call BLACK PEARL and our captain was JACK SPARROW :D we start to raft our way through and theres total 9 ribbits we will go through total 9 rapids and each of them have a unique name and people falls off the boat 1 by 1 as we goes on only my boat is safety and the best, we stopped at the 8th rapids to have a break cause after the 8th rapids its like a peaceful Olympic swimming pool we have apples flying everyone attempting to pass it around by the camp leader :P
then when we go for the last rapid we..CAPSIZED D::: NOOOOOOO  I drank so much water and my paddle broke and I was saved by the ROPE :DD and I have no no fear in the river now but yet I have to make sure of my safety all the time xd we rafted all the way back to the EarthCamp, we wasnt the first to make it but yet its awesomeee:D and I wanna do it again :P and WOW its 5 pm again  so we got dismissed after  some boring speech till 7 and We all did the same thing and the Dinner was same The even after dinner was same but the only diffrence is the teacher allowed us to pick any 3 things to tell us what happened to our confidence level in the river after the rafting haha BuT SOMETHING WaS DIFfrenT IN The NIGht In THE ROoM. WE WERE LIKE REBELS !!!!
ROCK AND ROLL INGORING THE TEACHERS ENJOYING THE LAST NIGHT BWAHAHAH But I slept in a diffrent bed which is under the mini fan WHICH HAS NO "BUZZZ BUZZ" haha We all slept around 12 :P we actually shared with each others friends between friend about the day. And the actually didnt do much cause it started raining and the rocks were slippery and we all who did rafting today was like " HAHAH SUCK IT"then we all slept .-. this make no sense BWAHAHAHA

 The next day OUR LAST ACTIVITIES "KKK" something like amazing race we were awesome we accepted the KKK and finished the KKK like a TEAM CALLED MAGPIE ! SHH telling you guys a secret we actually have a nickname CALLED KUKUJIAAOO !!! BWHAHAHAHHAHA during the activities we were stucked, slow frustrated, anrgy and alot more cause we have some hated members and 1 were sick so we were kind of slow but the sick member was sent off in the end... SO WE FINISHED AS A TEAM FOR HIM!! FOR DAVID !! :D and yet we got the last placed BWHAHAHA first from behind not bad :PPP I was AMAZED doe a skinny girl carried a FAT GIRL OOO PIGGYBACK I MEAN "I WAS LIKE DAYUMM GURL"  Then at the finishing point we were sent back to earth CAMP with the trucks :P and the result was announced there and we wasnt ashamed at all cause we ARE THE FIRST !! from the BACK .-. then we were said bye and we hugged our leaders and go on our bus.. we actaully rushed packed our bags so I think they have to clean up the mess we left behind of course we thanked them and some girl cried PFFT I am not going to mention thier name CAUSE SOMEONE IS STALKING TEEHEE :PP the STAFFS FROM EARTHCAMP was dancing the the truck when we were gone and I really hope I can go there during the holidays cause its AWESOME :P BYE BYEEEE

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