

Today we went to the airport around 10am in the morning cause I am going to Phnom Penh, Cambodia !!! <3 with the BODHI FELLOWSHIP.
Everything was perfect until the plane took off cause THE CREWS ON THE PLANE started serving the BOOKED MEALS and I was hungry so I was kind off trying to sleep so I wont be hungry :P so I won't be desperated to buy anything to eat on the plane at the moment. After we arrived at the Phnom Penh international airport located in Cambodia. THE MOST AMAZING THING WAS MY MOM DIDN'T BUY ANY CHECKIN LUGGAGE SO I HAVE TO CARRY a backpacker..a BAG and a mini cabin size LUGGAGE NOO !!!! And we met Lily and Andre because they are our HOST and the bus driver name is THY !!, sooo then we were sent to our hotel but on the way we saw many funny things such a ruby's restoran, TUK TUK and much more =)
When we arrived at the hotel its called OHANA Hotel,Riverside and my room was 202 =) When we first entered our room I was like" YEYYYY LETS PARTY, BECAUSE ITS SO NICE JUST A 4 STAR ROOM !! " while my mom were busy unpacking all the luggage. then we went to have our first dinner at the roof of the hotel and it was perfect !! I met a few staff that work in the night shift I dont really know how to spell their but its pronounce as Kim, Pal, Nat and Tehvis :p After the dinner we were suppose to go to have at the riverside as well as buying BLUE PUMPKIN'S ICE CREAM ( A very delicious ice cream xd taste like BASKIN ROBIN but way cheaper )But it STARTED RAINING =( so went back our room and slept :D
DADADADA WE HAVE A TOURGUIDE TODAY WUU !!!!! Today we visited the PALACE :D and the king was there because if they flag was on it means the king was there but unfortunately we wasn's able see him :D his throne was made of PURE GOLD :D 99.9% :D and there was alot of historical buildings and story of course INCLUDING the items of historical items.
THENN we visited S-21 which is a place where they kept prisoners and torture them until they gives them information and after they gave the information, they will be moved to the KILLING FIELD where all the prisoners will be executed :C The S-21 used to be a secondary school but its was used as a prison after the civil war outbreak. The prisoners were usually teens, adult and oldies. \
We visited the killing field after the buffet lunch and most of the lunch we had there are buffets..At the killing field there were alot of mass graves and left over storage room with chemicals inside. You can still see bones on the floor cause the bones were immersing up day by day and sometimes there are even some shirts...
Then we had a super delicious dinner at a restaurant..After the dinner we went back to the hotel and we walked around the riverside enjoyed the blue pumpkin's ice cream, I also chatted with the hotels staff for a while before going to bed =)
Today we are going to visit lily's brother school project. First is to visit a school project in the cambodia countryside, the school is a single building with 2 floors with total of 6 classrooms.. 1 office 1 ICT 1 music and 2 classroom we took picture with the morning shift and the afternoon shift but I didnt really talk much because I was shy. Then we went to COLT but before to COLT we went to have lunch :D its also a buffet its nice but all I remember is I was very full after the lunch. At
COLT means Cambodian Organization For Learning and Training for orphans xd
http://www.colt-cambodia.org for more information and then we went to another library near the Phnom Penh dumpsite xd they teaches chinese there at the library as well as english and cambodian language =) afterwards we visited the dump site near the library... and they house were made up of thrash from the dumpsite and then they sell the things for living and surviving .. I wish next time I can help them more =(
We have a dinner at a place called BBQ :D so as you see ,, the DINNER IS BBQ YEYY I GOT BURNED A FEW TIMES :C !! its not buffet but its served dinner its nice but its not enough so my mom bought me two cups of hotcup from CAMBODIAAA YEYEYY !!!! AS WELL I HAD BLUE PUMPKINN
This morning I had my Hotcup and the buffet breakfast which is served almost every morning -.- then we had a 3 hours trip to PAGODA which is far far away and on the way there we took the ferry across the MEKONG RIVER (One of the main river that changes the way it flows in cambodia) also we made alot of ballons on the buss about the pagodo its actually a sacred place with temple and its near a village so the villages kid goes to the place called Pagoda to pray, play and study ..
First when we reached there we were welcomed with a special ceremony xd then we have to pray to the statue of pagoda then we have to listen to speeches of the highest priest then afterwards we have a very good and wonderful lunch :D then we distributed our ballons as a token of appreciation to what they did for us and we had some crazy childish dance
Afterwards we had a walk in the village near the pagoda and we also met the chief of village, the nurse and doctor and also a girl with HIV :C and the sponsor stop funding her medicine so...and the dinner was AWESOMEE !!! but I forgot where I took my dinner :C I think is a place called TITANIC :DDD Its was nice cause it have a live show going on but it wasnt really enough for full but I dont care its better then nothing xd and then during the night time after that we went blue pumpkin and I didnt talk to the staff instead I went to meikee's and soo yuen's room to chitchat and talk =)
YUMMEH !! #BeJelous |

Today is our shopping FREE TIME since I am a boy so I wouldnt really be interested so I will make it short .. First we went to RUSSIAN MARKET ---> LUNCH ( japan food buffet OHH YEAA !!) ---> Silver shop -----> Central market :D we had fun but somehow its was boring for me although i got 3 shirts at the Central Market...Then We had our dinner at a boat but more like a small cuisine then we have our small dinner boat on the MEKONG RIVER and the dinner was AWESOME BUFFET AGAIN !! YESH !!! there were fish,.. and steaks with many many other GOOD STUFF !! and we have a live band on the boat so after the dinner we all were lIKE " YOU SEE ME ROLLING " :D after the dinner we had BLUE PUMPKIN and had a walk on the river side playing the the monkey bar ETC like HOW I SPEND EVERY NIGHT THERE :DD by the way I learned a lesson during dinner time called " NEVER ASSUME, ASK !" also I learned how to drive a bus while waiting for THE BUYERS AT THE SILVER SHOP because THYY( bus driver) TAUGHT ME

Today we are going back but we went back to the RUSSIAN MARKET because I HAVENT BOUGHT ANYTIME AND SOME OTHER PEOPLE NEED TO BUY SOMETHING so 4 of us went back to the RUSSIAN MARKET on the TUTUK :D and I bought a shirt for my friend and a pair of LEGAL EARPHONE FOR MYSELF NANANANANA YEY !!! its awesome =) so then we went back to hotel after LIMITED TIME !that cause we dont want to miss the bus to the airport at the HOTEL dr.Tiansoo distributed "Ang Pao" to the hotel staffs our buss driver and our tour guide PFFT I secretly took a picture with my FRIENDS !!!=P so the flight was delayed for 30 min at the airport but before we entered we said bye and gaved lily and andre a warm hug ad said bye ...
When we arrived at the Malaysia KLIA 2 we had a simple dinner called Subway and before that they bought something for their families like smokes, cigar etc cause its TAXFREE :D but we didnt buy anything we only stand and waited for them .. FOR THE DINNER ! :D
We took taxi home after saying bye and hugging each other when I reached home it was so late that I just slept off.. AND TOMORROW I HAVE SCHOOL NOOO!!!! I hope I can still go to Cambodia next year cause I made alot of friends there as well as good MEMORIES :D